" This is my stories , written so i wouldn't forget it someday "

Tuesday 27 December 2016

End of the Year post

Ossu ,
i managed to come here again.
i mean to write, i often open the blog tho
but didn't have anything to write so yeah.

my second year first semester when too fast
ah, sure im glad it did reached the end tho.

i've been thinking a lot this year, more likely this
whole semester.
did i change that much? i think that i bored people
quiet fast nowadays. its not like i  didn't even care
but its too troublesome to get involved.

yeah but i get the impact of my own attitude tho.
getting left behind or ignored you tell me huh.
but im kinda not having a bad days or what.
im just changing a lot i guess.

being alone doesn't bother me at all.
but of course we need others to live tho.
ah nevermind. its not that important btw.

*deep breath*

well, i guess this year is normal then.
i don't know what to do with myself anymore.
i started to become a person who thinks that everything
is a waste of time, yet everyone is waiting.

we all are waiting.
waiting for every single day, month and year.
we waited, but we didn't even know what are we waiting for.

hey, tell me.
what are we waiting for ?
haah i guess everyone got a diff answers.
guess i'll just have to find mine then.

well then, i wish a great year coming right up
for all of us.

and thank you 2016,
for letting me live this long.