" This is my stories , written so i wouldn't forget it someday "

Thursday, 5 January 2017

The last paper

here i am doing everything except
studying for tomorrow paper ergh,

not that im not in the mood but
something keeps bothering me.
it's just that i dont believe i've
spend a week in a new year for
nothing hm.

ah i think tht i need to minimize
my social skill (even tho it isnt tht
great before) and speak less think more.

i've kinda achieve something
rational this semester due to my lack
of social skill. you'll find out whether
you got a friend in need nor friend indeed.
whichever it is dont be sad, life is cruel
anyway so dont get high hopes in living.

so, i guess thats all for today,
wish me and my coursemate luck for
urban planning paper tomorrow.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

New year post !

Ossu !
Happy new year guys.
Thankyou for a great experience in 2016.

umm, i guess my wish this year is
getting useful enough to live up my own life huh,

okay then, see yah.