" This is my stories , written so i wouldn't forget it someday "

Wednesday, 29 July 2015


I forgot to update so yeah .
Happy eid  and my eid was quite
fun tho . i ended up meeting few
friends and it was something to
remember . i bake a cake rn so
my sister can take it to her school
for her eid fest tomorrow . she req my cake so no reason to dissapoint her .
I hope it turns out well .
Ciao .

Thursday, 16 July 2015


Its the last day of ramadhan
and im kinda sad tho .

Well time passed .
So im wishing to all selamat
Hari Raya Aidilfitri and beg for forgiveness for every mistake that i've done eversince i was born .

We people never stop making mistakes , so lets forgive and forget .
Things is pretty easy that way .

Wish you guys havva great super raya cause i dont even havva baju raya lmao .

Its okay . im fine 😉
Thanks for all yr good deeds !

Salam EID !

Sunday, 12 July 2015


Bismillahirahmanirrahim .
Alhamdulillah done prereg without
any trouble . Now i can breathe lol .

Jk , well sadly i found out that mahallah
Safiyyah isnt comfortable as i imagine it
would be so i hope things will be okay soon .

Wish me luck !

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Yay !

Two days more !
Cant wait for my first payment .
Im so buying a new shoes .

But sadly ramadhan is going to end soon this year , its sooner than i thought .
Happy fasting guys .