" This is my stories , written so i wouldn't forget it someday "

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

This is life

Assalamualaikum ,

Moral of the day :
Dont be so close with rich people ,
Once you broke their things,
they might not know
the pain you feel .

Know your status yunie .
You cant have luxury , maybe yet .
But Allah plans the best for you .

So if you already apologize .
It is their turn to apology for
not accepting your sorry .

Because if i were you , i wont let it happen twice , cause theres alot ,
Infact too many ways i can do to
prevent it from happened again .

So please accept my apology
before i couldnt accept yours .
No , wait .

I will always accept peoples' sorry .
Cause we're humans right .

We always make mistakes .

Fair enough .

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

SMAC preparation .

Assalamualaikum !

Hi im writting now because
Im waiting for El to come .

Why ?
Hmm , I think i broke
her machine ?
Im making costume for smac
actually and kinda bored
and oh there shes come .

Bye then !